Benefits of Composting

Trash is less smelly and easier to of organic composting

The volume and weight of the trash is less so homeowner can save by reducing the size of their garbage cart–and how much they pay for that cart each month.

Because the garbage weight is less, the city, and we taxpayers, save on disposal fees.

Composting food waste instead of putting it down the garbage disposal reduces what goes in the river and wastewater treatment plant costs.

Food waste that ends up in landfills creates methane gas, a greenhouse gas 72 times more potent than carbon.  Burning food waste in a garbage burner wastes a valuable resource.

Composting food waste creates a nutrient rich product with many benefits: adds nutrients to the soil to grow healthier plants, helps hold water in the soil, helps control erosion, helps break-down contaminants that may be in the soil–AND we put less into landfills.

Read More On Composting Benefits Here:

Comprehensive Benefits of Composting

International Efforts to Sequester Carbon in Soil

2020 Purdue Comparison of Conventional and Organic Crop Rotations

Marin County Carbon Project to Address Climate Change

UN Trade & Environment Review 2013

The Soil Story Video: Kiss the Ground Trailer